Stat3 Polyclonal AntibodyCatalog No DM-Ab-02054Isotype IgGReactivity Human;Mouse;RatApplications IF;WB;IHC;ELISAGene Name STAT3Protein Name Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3Immunogen The antiserum was produced against synthesized peptide derived from humanSTAT3. AA range:672-721Specificity Stat3 Polyclonal Antibody detects endogenous levels of Stat3 protein. Formulation Liquid in PBS containing 50% glycerol, 0.5% BSA and 0.02% sodium azide. Source Polyclonal, Rabbit,IgGPurification The antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum byaffinity-chromatography using epitope-specific immunogen. Dilution IF: 1:50-200 Western Blot: 1/500 - 1/2000. Immunohistochemistry: 1/100 - 1/300. Concentration 1 mg/mlPurity ≥90%Storage Stability -20°C/1 yearSynonyms STAT3; APRF; Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3; Acute-phaseresponse factorObserved Band 88kDCell Pathway Cytoplasm . Nucleus . Shuttles between the nucleus and the cytoplasm. Tissue Specificity Heart, brain, placenta, lung, liver, skeletal muscle, kidney and pancreas. Function disease:Defects in STAT3 are the cause of hyperimmunoglobulin E recurrentELISA: 1/5000. Not yet tested in other applications.Translocated into the nucleus upon tyrosine phosphorylation and dimerization, inresponse to signaling by activated FGFR1, FGFR2, FGFR3 or FGFR4. Expressed in naive CD4(+) T cells as well as T-helper Th17, Th1 and Th2 cells(PubMed:31899195). Constitutive nuclear presence is independent of tyrosine phosphorylation. Predominantly present in the cytoplasm without stimuli. Upon leukemia inhibitoryfactor (LIF) stimulation, accumulates in the nucleus. The complex composed ofBART and ARL2 plays an important role in the nuclear translocation and retentioninfection syndrome autosomal dominant (AD-HIES) [MIM:147060]; also known ashyper-IgE syndrome or Job syndrome. AD-HIES is a rare disorder of immunityand connective tissue characterized by immunodeficiency, chronic eczema, recurrent Staphylococcal infections, increased serum IgE, eosinophilia, distinctivecoarse facial appearance, abnormal dentition, hyperextensibility of the joints, andbone fractures.,function:Transcription factor that binds to the interleukin-6of STAT3. Identified in a complex with LYN and PAG1.Jiao, Z., Ma, Y., Zhang, Q. et al. The adipose-derivedmesenchymal stem cell secretome promotes hepaticregeneration in miniature pigs after liverischaemia-reperfusion combined with partialresection. Stem Cell Res Ther 12, 218 (2021).Liu, Bowen, et al. "Oncoprotein HBXIP enhancesHOXB13 acetylation and co-activates HOXB13 toconfer tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer." Journalof hematology & oncology 11.1 (2018): 26.Immunofluorescence analysis of Hela cell. 1,Stat3Polyclonal Antibody(red) was diluted at 1:200(4° overnight). β-tubulin Monoclonal Antibody(M7)(green)Liu, Yanmei, et al. "Cancer Stem Cells are Regulatedby STAT3 Signalling in Wilms Tumour." Journal ofCancer 9.8 (2018): 1486.was diluted at 1:200(4° overnight). 2, Goat Anti RabbitAlexa Fluor 594 Catalog:RS3611 was diluted at1:1000(room temperature, 50min). Goat Anti MouseAlexa Fluor 488 Catalog:RS3208 was diluted at1:1000(room temperature, 50min).
IL-6 Polyclonal AntibodyCatalog No DM-Ab-16022Isotype IgGReactivity Human;Rat;MouseApplications WB;IHC;IF;ELISAGene Name IL6Protein Name Interleukin-6Immunogen The antiserum was produced against synthesized peptide derived from theInternal region of human IL6. AA range:131-180Specificity IL-6 Polyclonal Antibody detects endogenous levels of IL-6 protein. Formulation Liquid in PBS containing 50% glycerol, 0.5% BSA and 0.02% sodium azide. Source Polyclonal, Rabbit,IgGPurification The antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum byaffinity-chromatography using epitope-specific immunogen. Dilution Western Blot: 1/500 - 1/2000. IHC-p: 1:100-300 ELISA: 1/20000. IF 1:100-300Concentration 1 mg/mlPurity ≥90%Storage Stability -20°C/1 yearSynonyms IL6; IFNB2; Interleukin-6; IL-6; B-cell stimulatory factor 2; BSF-2; CTLdifferentiation factor; CDF; Hybridoma growth factor; Interferon beta-2; IFN-beta-2Observed Band 23kDCell Pathway Secreted . Tissue Specificity Produced by skeletal muscle. Function disease:At least 1 polymorphism in the IL6 gene renders HIV-infected menNot yet tested in other applications.susceptible to Kaposi sarcoma [MIM:148000]. Kaposi sarcoma is a sarcoma ofspindle cells mixed with angiomatous tissue. A relatively rare malignant skintumor that results in multifocal purplish coloured papules or plaques thateventually form nodules. Most commonly seen in patients who suffer fromAIDS.,disease:Genetic variations in IL6 are associated with susceptibility tosystemic juvenile rheumatoid arthritis [MIM:604302]. Systemic juvenilerheumatoid arthritis is juvenile chronic arthritis associated with severe, debilitating, extraarticular features, and occasionally fatal complications. Despitemedical treatment, many children still experience early joint destruction, necessitating surgical replacement.,function:IL-6 is a cytokine with a wide varietyof biological functions: it plays an essential role in theJiao, Z., Ma, Y., Zhang, Q. et al. The adipose-derivedmesenchymal stem cell secretome promotes hepaticregeneration in miniature pigs after liverischaemia-reperfusion combined with partialresection. Stem Cell Res Ther 12, 218 (2021)Liu, Bowen, et al. "Oncoprotein HBXIP enhancesHOXB13 acetylation and co-activates HOXB13 toconfer tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer." Journalof hematology & oncology 11.1 (2018): 26.Liu, Yanmei, et al. "Cancer Stem Cells are Regulatedby STAT3 Signalling in Wilms Tumour." Journal ofCancer 9.8 (2018): 1486.Immunofluorescence analysis of Hela cell. 1,Stat3Polyclonal Antibody(red) was diluted at 1:200(4° overnight). β-tubulin Monoclonal Antibody(M7)(green)Liu, Yanmei, et al. "Cancer Stem Cells are Regulatedby STAT3 Signalling in Wilms Tumour." Journal ofCancer 9.8 (2018): 1486.was diluted at 1:200(4° overnight). 2, Goat Anti RabbitAlexa Fluor 594 Catalog:RS3611 was diluted at1:1000(room temperature, 50min). Goat Anti MouseAlexa Fluor 488 Catalog:RS3208 was diluted at1:1000(room temperature, 50min).
全蛋白提取試劑盒產品簡介: 全蛋白提取試劑盒由蛋白提取試劑、磷酸酶抑制劑、蛋白酶抑制劑和 PMSF 組成, 用于對哺乳動物組織和培養細胞進行勻漿裂解, 從中提取全蛋白。本產品作用溫和, 提取過程簡便高效,獲得的全蛋白可用于 Western Blot、免疫共沉淀等后續研究, 但不能用于蛋白激酶及磷酸酶免疫共沉淀的研究, 因本試劑盒中包括這兩種酶的抑制劑。該試劑僅 用于科研領域, 不適用于臨床診斷或其他用途。產品組成:編號名稱DM005550TDM0055100T Storage試劑(A): 蛋白提取試劑50ml100ml4℃試劑(B): 磷酸酶抑制劑(100×)0.5ml1ml-20℃ 避光試劑(C): 蛋白酶抑制劑(100×)0.5ml1ml-20℃ 避光試劑(D): PMSF 溶液(100mM)0.5ml1ml-20℃說明書一份操作步驟(僅供參考):1、配制預冷的全蛋白提取工作液:在每 1ml 蛋白提取試劑中加入 10μl 磷酸酶抑制劑(100×), 10μl 蛋白酶抑制劑(100 ×)和 10μl PMSF 溶液(100mM), 混勻, 冰上保存待用。2、組織蛋白提取:(1)每 100mg 固體組織置于培養皿中, 手術剪剪碎成 3mm×3mm 左右的小塊,加入 0.5 ~ 1ml 預冷的全蛋白提取工作液, 玻璃勻漿器上下手動勻漿 30-50 次, 注意低溫操作;(2)取組織勻漿液轉移到 1.5ml 預冷的離心管, 12000g 4℃ 離心 5min;(3)取上清轉移至新的預冷的離心管中, 即為全蛋白提取物, 蛋白定量 (Bradford 法、 BCA 法) ;(4)分裝保存于-70℃ , 避免反復凍融。3、培養細胞蛋白提取:(1)貼壁培養的細胞, 吸去培養基后, 加入 10ml/150mm 培養板的冷 PBS 洗兩次, 每次振 搖數次以盡量去除培養液;(2)懸浮培養的細胞或用細胞刮子刮下的貼壁細胞,將細胞及培養液移至離心管中, 500g 離8、一般常規提取的蛋白樣品, 進行后續試驗不需要透析, 但如果需要較大量的提取蛋白或 后續試驗結果不理想, 則需要將提取的蛋白樣品進行透析脫鹽。9、對于提取的蛋白質可以采用 BCA 蛋白定量試劑盒(PT0001)、Bradford 蛋白定量試劑盒 (PT0002)或微量 BCA 蛋白定量試劑盒(PT0006)對提取樣品中的蛋白質進行定量。10、對膠上的蛋白質進行染色, 可以采用常規考馬斯亮藍染色試劑盒(PT0020)或考馬斯亮 藍快速染色液(免脫色)(PT0015)來染色。11、裂解產物中經常會出現一小團透明膠狀物, 屬正常現象, 該透明膠狀物為含有基因組DNA 等復合物, 在不檢測和基因組 DNA 結合特別緊密的蛋白的情況下可以直接離心取 上清用于后續實驗; 如果需要檢測和基因組結合特別緊密的蛋白, 則可以通過超聲處理 打碎打散該透明膠狀物, 隨后離心取上清用于后續實驗。12、使用后請旋緊瓶蓋, 防止溶液揮發和與空氣中的物質發生化學反應。13、試劑開封后請盡快使用, 以防影響后續實驗效果。14、為了您的安全和健康, 請穿實驗服并戴一次性手套操作。有效期: 12 個月有效; 低溫運輸, 按要求保存。相關產品:產品編號產品名稱DM0025SDS-PAGE 蛋白加樣緩沖液(5 ×,含 DTT)DM0080Tris-HCl 緩沖液(1mol/L,pH6.8)DM0090Tris-甘氨酸電泳粉劑(1 ×)DM0103Acr-Bis(30%,29:1)DM0423一步法凝膠制備試劑盒(10%)DM0600彩色預染蛋白分子量標準(10-180k D)DM0210植物葉片蛋白提取試劑盒DM0001BCA 蛋白定量試劑盒DM0002Bradford 蛋白定量試劑盒DM0006微量 BCA 蛋白定量試劑盒DM0015考馬斯亮藍快速染色液(免脫色)DM0020常規考馬斯亮藍染色試劑盒DM0027Tween20/TBS 溶液(20×TBST,pH7.5)DM0040Western blot 一抗稀釋液DM0072DAB 辣根過氧化物酶顯色試劑盒(3)細胞洗滌后, 轉至新的預冷的離心管中, 加入預冷的全蛋白提取工作液, 加入量如下表所示:細胞數量培養板或培養瓶規格全蛋白提取工作液加入量107 個100mm 培養板或 150cm2 培養瓶1ml ~2ml5 × 106 個60mm 培養板或 75cm2 培養瓶0.5ml~ 1ml(4)置于 4℃搖床平臺上, 劇烈振蕩 30s, 放置冰上 4 分鐘, 重復 5 次;(5) 12000g 4℃離心 5min, 取上清為全蛋白提取物, 蛋白定量 (Bradford 法、BCA 法);(6)分裝保存于-70℃ , 避免反復凍融。注意事項:1、所有的試劑及器具均需預冷后使用, 以保持蛋白質的完整性和活性。細胞裂解的操作應 置于冰上或 4℃進行。2、蛋白提取試劑含有 特殊成分, 在低溫情況下可能出現渾濁現象, 可 37℃水浴 促其溶解, 不影響使用效果; 溶解時間不易過長, 避免成分失效, 4 度保存即可, 長期 不用亦可-20℃保存。3、 PMSF 溶液可置 4℃保存 1~2 周, -20℃可保存 1 年以上, 室溫放置 2 天即可能失效。 另外, PSMF(有毒)需現用現加, 因為 PMSF 在水溶液中會快速降解。4、如果細胞量較多, 必需分裝成 50~ 100 萬細胞/離心管, 然后再裂解, 大團的細胞較難 裂解充分, 而少量的細胞由于裂解液容易和細胞充分接觸, 相對比較容易裂解充分。5、如果組織樣品本身非常細小, 可以適當剪切后直接加入裂解液裂解, 通過強烈 Vortex 使樣品裂解充分, 然后同樣離心取上清用于后續實驗, 直接裂解的優點是比較方便, 不 必使用勻漿器, 缺點是不如使用勻漿器裂解的充分。6、如果裂解不充分可以適當增加裂解液的用量, 如果需要高濃度的蛋白樣品, 可以適當減 少裂解液的用量或增加樣品量。7、 除振蕩裂解外, 亦可采用超聲破碎法, 每次 30s, 間隔 1min, 連續超聲 3~4 次, 置于 冰上冷卻。超聲破碎細胞后應鏡檢, 細胞破碎率不小于 90%。
Tris-甘氨酸電泳緩沖液(10×)產品簡介:Tris-甘氨酸電泳緩沖液又稱 SDS-PAGE 電泳緩沖液, 1 ×工作液中含有 25mM Tris、 250mM 甘氨酸、 1%SDS。Tris-甘氨酸電泳緩沖液是常用的蛋白質電泳緩沖液, 該試劑是 10 倍濃縮的溶液, 主要由 250mM Tris、 2.5M 甘氨酸、 10%SDS 組成, 使用時需用蒸餾 水或去離子水稀釋 10 倍后使用。該試劑僅用于科研領域, 不適用于臨床診斷或其他用途。產品組成:編號名稱 DM0093 StorageTris-甘氨酸電泳緩沖液(10 ×)500mlRT使用說明書1 份操作步驟(僅供參考):1、用蒸餾水或去離子水稀釋到 1 ×后使用。注意事項:1、 Tris-甘氨酸電泳緩沖液(10 ×)不如 5 ×的穩定, 偶爾會產生渾濁或沉淀, 出現上述情況, 可加熱溶解后使用。2、 如果每次的使用量很小, 可以適當分裝后再使用。3、 為了您的安全和健康, 請穿實驗服并戴一次性手套操作。4、 試劑開封后請盡快使用, 以防影響后續實驗效果。有效期: 12 個月有效。 相關產品:產品編號產品名稱DM0032Masson 三色染色液DM0016MOPS 電泳緩沖液(10×,RNase free)DM0034Tris-硼酸電泳緩沖液(5 ×TBE)DM0001BCA 蛋白定量試劑盒DM0699植物總糖和還原糖檢測試劑盒(DNS 比色法)
通用顯影液定影液套裝產品簡介:通用顯影定影液套裝包含顯影液和定影液各 500ml, 是用于 Western、 Northern、 Southern 等后續壓片曝光后的顯影和定影。配方特別適用 X 光片,也可用于普通 的黑白底片或照片的顯影和定影。該試劑僅用于科研領域, 不適用于臨床診斷或其他用途。產品組成: 編號名稱DM0062 2×500ml Storage試劑(A): 通用顯影液500ml4℃ 避光試劑(B): 通用定影液500ml4℃ 避光使用說明書1 份自備材料:1、 X 光片、紅燈2、 自來水操作步驟(含顯影定影, 僅供參考):1、 顯影: 把 X 光片完全浸沒在顯影液內, 一般顯影 10s ~2min。具體顯影時間要根據顯 影情況而定,可以在紅燈下觀察, 當發現顯影的程度已經達到預定目標,即可停止顯影, 進行后續步驟。2、 水洗: 在自來水中沖洗 2 ~3min, 以完全沖洗去顯影液。3、 定影: 浸沒在定影液內, 定影 2~5min 左右, 定影時間再長一些如 10min, 通常對洗 片的結果沒有明顯影響。4、 水洗: 在自來水中沖洗 2 ~5min, 以充分洗去各種殘留溶液和試劑。注意事項:1、 曝光、顯影、定影步驟均應在嚴密的避光環境中進行。2、 顯影液用于膠片時: 沖卷 2~6 分鐘, 印放 1~3 分鐘。3、 定影液用于膠片時: 軟片約 10 分鐘, 印放 10~15 分鐘。4、 試劑可重復使用 5~10 次, 不宜超過 20 次, *終重復次數需根據使用效果酌情考量。5、 為了您的安全和健康, 請穿實驗服并戴一次性手套操作。6、 試劑開封后請盡快使用, 以防影響后續實驗效果。 有效期: 6 個月有效; 20 ~25℃保存, 2 個月有效。相關產品:產品編號產品名稱CS0001ACK 紅細胞裂解液(ACK Lysis Buffer)DF0111組織固定液(10% NBF)DM0007瑞氏-姬姆薩復合染色液PE0080Tris-HCl 緩沖液(1mol/L,pH6.8)PW0040Western blot 一抗稀釋液TC1213總膽固醇(TC)檢測試劑盒(COD-PAP 單試劑比色法)
KS03 蛋白疫苗乳佐劑(與市售 AS03 疫苗佐劑相同工藝及組分)1. 簡介 KS03 是基于水包油乳液的佐劑,成分包含角鯊烯,吐溫 80 和α-生育酚。 KS03 在流感疫苗和瘧疾疫苗中開始發揮越來越重要的作用,獨特之處在于 含有免疫增強劑 α-生育酚。本產品僅供科研/動物使用,不能用于人體或臨 床。2.商品描述名稱價格規格起訂量KS033200.3ML/瓶5瓶是否進口CAS號已上市疫苗實例發貨地否甲流感H5N1疫苗Q-PanH5N1?上海市寶山區3商品詳情成分給藥途徑物理形態功能14.7mg角鯊烯+2.9mg吐溫80+7.1 mg α-生育酚皮下/尾靜脈水包油乳劑疫苗佐劑儲存溫度保質日期安全性級別2~8℃避光保存和運輸1年無菌(0.22μm 膜過濾)化學試劑級臨床配置KS03 疫苗佐劑用于動物,不用稀釋,直接使用即可4.表征/質量特性角鯊烯含量吐溫80含量α-生育酚含量標示量±10%標示量±10%標示量±10%
Actin β Polyclonal Antibody Catalog No DM-Ab-03079Isotype IgG Reactivity Human;Mouse;Rat;Chicken;Globefish ;Bovine;Hamster;Pig;Ovine;Cat;Pig;Dog;Sheep Applications IF;WB;IHC;ELISA Gene Name ACTBProtein Name Actin cytoplasmic 1Immunogen Synthesized peptide derived from the N-terminal region of human Actin β. AA range: 1-80 Specificity Actin β Polyclonal Antibody detects endogenous levels of Actin β protein. Formulation Liquid in PBS containing 50% glycerol, 0.5% BSA and 0.02% sodium azide. Source Polyclonal, Rabbit,IgGPurification The antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using epitope-specific immunogen.Dilution IF: 1:50-200 Western Blot: 1/2000 - 1/10000. Immunohistochemistry: 1/100 - 1/300. ELISA: 1/20000. Not yet tested in other applications. Concentration 1 mg/ml Purity ≥90% Storage Stability -20°C/1 year Synonyms ACTB; Actin; cytoplasmic 1; Beta-actin; Actin β;β-Actin;Beta actinObserved Band 42kD Cell Pathway Cytoplasm, cytoskeleton . Nucleus . Localized in cytoplasmic mRNP granules containing untranslated mRNAs. .Tissue Specificity B-cell lymphoma,Brain,Cajal-Retzius cell,Eye,Fetal brain cortex,Foreskin,Hepatocellular Function disease:Defects in ACTB are a cause of dystonia juvenile-onset (DYTJ) Background This gene encodes one of six different actin proteins. Actins are highly conserved proteins that are involved in cell motility, structure, and integrity. This actin is a matters needing attention Avoid repeated freezing and thawing! Usage suggestions This product can be used in immunological reaction related experiments. For Liu, Fengchao, et al. "Prolonged inhibition of class I PI3K promotes liver cancer stem cell expansion by augmenting SGK3/GSK-3β/β-catenin signalling." Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research 37.1 (2018): 122. Chen, Rui, et al. "Activation of CD137 Signaling Enhances Vascular Calcification through c-Jun (2018). [MIM:607371]. DYTJ is a form of dystonia with juvenile onset. Dystonia is defined by the presence of sustained involuntary muscle contraction, often leading to abnormal postures. DYTJ patients manifest progressive, generalized, dopa-unresponsive dystonia, developmental malformations and sensory hearing t lo yp ss e .s ,f o un f c c t e io ll n m :A o c t t il i i n ty s a a n re d h a i r g e h u lybi c q o u n it s o e u r s v l e y d e p xp ro re te s i s n e s d th i a n t a a ll re eu in k v a o ry lv o e t d ic in various cells.,miscellaneous:In vertebrates 3 main groups of actin isoforms, alpha, beta and gamma have been identified. The alpha actins are found in muscle tissues and are a major constituent of the contractile apparatus. The beta and gamma actins coexist in most cell types as components of the cytoskeleton and as mediators of internal cell motility.,similarity:Belongs to the more information, please consult technical personnel. major constituent of the contractile apparatus and one of the two nonmuscle cytoskeletal actins. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008], N-Terminal Kinase-Dependent Disruption of Autophagic Flux." Mediators of inflammation Xie, Changli, et al. "Effects of IRF1 and IFN-β interaction on the M1 polarization of macrophages and its antitumor function." International journal of molecular medicine 38.1 (2016): 148-160. Yao, Chong, et al. "Crocin induces autophagic apoptosis in hepatocellular carcinoma by inhibiting Akt/mTOR activity." OncoTargets and therapy 11 (2018): 2017. L In i, tim Ha a i l m H in y g p ,e e rp t l a a l s . ia "C a o n ll d ag Im en pr E o x v t e er R n e a m l S o c d a e f l f i o n l g ds of M V it e ig in ate Grafts in a Rabbit Arteriovenous Graft Model." BioMed Research International 2017 (2017).
GAPDH Polyclonal Antibody Catalog No DM-Ab-03502Isotype IgG Reactivity Human;Mouse;Rat;Rabbit;Ch;Mk;sheep;X;Fish;Chicken;Guinea pig;Guinea pig;Duck Applications WB;IHC;IF Gene Name GAPDH Protein Name Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase Immunogen Recombinant Protein of GAPDH Specificity The antibody detects endogenous GAPDH protein. Formulation PBS, pH 7.4, containing 0.5%BSA, 0.02% sodium azide as Preservative and 50% Glycerol. Source Polyclonal, Rabbit,IgG Purification The antibody was affinity-purified from rabbit antiserum by affinity-chromatography using specific immunogen. Dilution WB: 1:5000 IHC: 1:200. IF 1:50-200 Concentration 1 mg/ml Purity ≥90%Storage Stability -20°C/1 year Synonyms GAPDH; GAPD; CDABP0047; OK/SW-cl.12; Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase; GAPDH; Peptidyl-cysteine S-nitrosylase GAPDH Observed Band 37kD Cell Pathway Cytoplasm, cytosol . Nucleus . Cytoplasm, perinuclear region . Membrane . Cytoplasm, cytoskeleton . Translocates to the nucleus following S-nitrosylation Tissue Specificity Astrocytoma,Brain,Cajal-Retzius cell,Colon adenocarcinoma,Epitheliu and interaction with SIAH1, which contains a nuclear localization signal (By similarity). Postnuclear and Perinuclear regions (PubMed:12829261). .Function catalytic activity:D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate + phosphate + NAD(+) = glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase fami Background glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase(GAPDH) Homo sapiens Thismatters needing attention Avoid repeated freezing and thawing! Usage suggestions This product can be used in immunological reaction related experiments. For more information, please consult technical personnel. Zhao, Shaorong et al. “Deciphering the performance of polo-like kinase 1 in triple-negative breast cancer progression according to the centromere protein U-phosphorylation pathway.” American journal of cancer research vol. 11,5 2142-2158. 15 May. 2021 3-phospho-D-glyceroyl phosphate + NADH.,function:Independent of its glycolytic activity it is also involved in membrane trafficking in the early secretory pathway.,online information:Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase entry,pathway:Carbohydrate degradation; glycolysis; pyruvate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate: step 1.,pathway:Carbohydrate degradation; glycolysis; pyruvate from D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate: step 1/5.,PTM:Reversible S-nitrosylation of Cys-152 inhibits enzymatic activity and increases endogenous ADP-ribosylation, which inhibits the enzyme in a non-reversible manner. The latter modification is more likely to be a pathophysiological event associated with inhibition of gluconeogenesis.,sequence caution:Differs quite extensively.,similarity:Belongs to the gene encodes a member of the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase protein family. The encoded protein has been identified as a moonlighting protein based on its ability to perform mechanistically distinct functions. The product of this gene catalyzes an important energy-yielding step in carbohydrate metabolism, the reversible oxidative phosphorylation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate in the presence of inorganic phosphate and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD). The encoded protein has additionally been identified to have uracil DNA glycosylase activity in the nucleus. Also, this protein contains a peptide that has antimicrobial activity against E. coli, P. aeruginosa, and C. albicans. Studies of a similar protein in mouse have assigned a variety of additional functions including nitrosylation of nuclear proteins, the regulation of mRNA stability, and acting as a transferriZhao, TingTing, et al. "Tangshen formula modulates gut Microbiota and reduces gut-derived toxins in diabetic nephropathy rats." Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 129 (2020): 110325. Yi, Sheng, et al. "Peripheral nerve injury induces dynamic changes of tight junction components." Frontiers in physiology9 (2018): 1519. Chang, Ying, et al. "Lentivirus-mediated knockdown of astrocyte elevated gene-1 inhibits growth and induces a re p t o in p o to b s la is st t o h m ro a ug c h el M ls.A "P P K loS pa o th n w e a 1 y1 s .2 in (2 h 0 u 1 m 6 a ): n e0148763. Wang, Xiao, et al. "Knockdown of Phospholipase C? (PLC?) Inhibits Cell Proliferation via Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog Deleted on Chromosome 10 (PTEN)/AKT Signaling Pathway in Human Prostate Cancer." Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and clinical research 24 (2018): 254.
重組小鼠干擾素-γ(IFN-γ)簡介: 小鼠IFN-γ(mIFN-γ)與人干擾素-γ(hIFN-γ)具有41%的序列同源性,是巨噬細胞激活因子,IFN-γ的活性形式是一個二聚體,是由兩個反平行相互鎖定的單體組成,啟動IFN-γ/JAK/STAT通路。IFN-γ信號轉導具有多種生物學功能,主要與宿主防御和免疫調節有關,包括抗病毒和抗菌防御、細胞凋亡、炎癥反應、先天免疫和獲得性免疫等。別名: Interferon gamma (IFN-γ), Mouse, Recombinant; Type II interferon; T cell interferon; MAF; IFNG; IFG; IFI產品信息: 表達宿主:人 HEK293 細胞 來 源:小鼠 同 義 詞:免疫干擾素,II 型干擾素,T 細胞干擾素,MAF 蛋白序列:DNA 序列編碼小鼠干擾素-γ(NP_032363.1)表達帶有 His 標簽在 C 末端。 分 子 量:重組小鼠干擾素-γ蛋白包含 139 個氨基酸,預測理論分子量為 16.3kd。 純 度:≥95%采用 SDS-PAGE 凝膠和高效液相色譜分析。 內 毒 素:<0.1EU/ug 生物活性:活性測定是其抑制小鼠 WEHI-279 細胞增殖的能力。 預期 ED50是≤0.2ng/ml, 對應的特定活性為 ≥5x106IU/mg。 組 成:含有 6%甘露醇的無菌 PBS(PH 7.4)的凍干粉 性狀(Character):本品為白色疏松體 穩定性(Stability):凍干制劑可在 4℃保存 24 個月,溶解后的液體可置于-20℃保存 6-12 個月,避免反復凍融。用途及描述 科研試劑,廣泛應用于細胞生物學,藥理學等科研方面,嚴禁用于人體。干擾素-γ 是由 CD4 和 CD8 T 淋巴細胞以及活化的 NK 細胞產生的一種不穩定的干擾素。 IFN-γ 受體存在于 大多數免疫細胞中, 它們通過增加Ⅰ 類γ 蛋白的表面表達來響應 IFN-γ 信號傳導。 這將促進抗原呈遞給 T- 助手(CD4+)細胞.干擾素-γ 信號在抗原提呈、 細胞和抗原識別 B、 T 淋巴細胞中, 調節抗原特異性免疫應答 期.此外, 干擾素-γ 刺激了許多淋巴細胞功能, 包括巨噬細胞、 NK 細胞和中性粒細胞的抗微生物和抗腫瘤 反應。 人干擾素-γ 具有物種特異性, 僅在人和靈長類細胞中具有生物活性。使用說明: 建議在打開前對該小瓶進行短暫離心,以將內容物離到底部。建議將凍干粉溶解于注射用水、滅菌的超純水或無菌PBS中,濃度為100μg/ml。儲備溶液應分裝儲存,以待進一步稀釋至工作濃度。盡可能避免反復凍融。復溶后的細胞因子 短期保存請分裝后存放于-20℃。【注意】 部分產品我司僅能提供部分信息,我司不保證所提供信息的權威性,以上數據僅供參考交流研究之用。 本產品僅限于專業人員的科學研究用,不得用于臨床診斷或治療,不得用于食品或藥品,不得存放于普通住宅內。 為了您的安全和健康,請穿實驗服并戴一次性手套操作。
微量元素溶液SL-4是一種常用于科研領域的試劑,主要用于微生物生長所需的微量元素補充,可以配制多種培養基,如MSM培養基、脫氮硫微螺菌培養基、流行鹽厭氧菌培養基等。以下是關于微量元素溶液SL-4的詳細介紹:基本信息中文名稱:微量元素溶液SL-4英文名稱:Trace Elements Solution SL-4貨號:DM-B2231用途:科研用途,培養基補充劑產品特性無菌產品:本品經殺菌處理,為無菌產品,確保使用過程中的安全性。高倍母液:作為高倍濃縮液,使用時需按比例稀釋至適當濃度。穩定性:在低溫狀態下可能析出,需妥善保存以避免影響使用效果。使用注意事項專用性:本品僅用于科研領域,不宜用于臨床診斷或其他非科研用途。無菌操作:在使用過程中,需嚴格遵守無菌操作規程,避免微生物污染。個人防護:為了操作者的安全和健康,建議在操作過程中穿戴實驗服和一次性手套。保存條件常溫避光:需存放在常溫且避光的環境中,以保持產品的穩定性和有效性。保存期限:一般為1年(具體以產品說明書為準),超過保存期限后需重新評估產品是否適合繼續使用。